Thursday, July 21, 2022

Pandemic Impacts on Education

Deledao, a provider of digital wellness solutions, shares some interesting findings on the impacts of the pandemic on education:
  • 1:1 programs increased -- 90% for middle and high schools, 84% for elementary schools
    Source: EdWeek Research Center

  • Drops in grade level reading proficiency -- Kindergarteners dropped 8%, first graders dropped 10%, second graders dropped 11%
    Source: EdWeek

  • Less learning in remote vs in-person schools -- 47% vs 17% shortened school days, 34% vs 11% reduced instructional time, 15% vs 35% decreased amount of curriculum covered
    Source: Rand Report
As our learning and instructional environments change, educators and school administrators are looking for ways to adapt. In the digital world, keeping students engaged is key. Deledao is here to help!

For more information on how Deledao can serve your school, contact:

Deledao Education
Kevin Kuckkan
AEA Purchasing contract # AEPA021-G