Monday, June 21, 2021

Summer Foodservice Resources

With rising temperatures and longer days, summer has definitely arrived in blazes this year!  As a solution to reduce child hunger during school breaks several school kitchens will continue offering summer feeding in June, July and August this year. As we transition, now seems like a perfect time to share a reminder of the appropriate components for a reimbursable meal. 

USDA has created this great one page resource for PROGRAM BASICS breaking down the Summer Food Service Program meal pattern for children. Additionally, with current regulations allowing for off site meals and multiple day distribution AEA Purchasing’s Molly Gilmore created this amazing Milk Quantity conversion table. Take advantage of these great tools by printing & posting for all staff to have a quick, easy to read visual. 

Remember AEA Purchasing is ALWAYS here to help connect the dots and find the best resources to assist and educate you and your staff in school foodservice, assisting in meal pattern requirements and available market basket products to meet those needs. A few additional resources available to help plan summer feeding menus with market basket products include IW Heat-and-Serve Grab & Go lists, Cold Sandwich Assembly, Thaw & Serve Resources, and MORE!  Let us know if you would like this information, we would be happy to share any and all of these lists again!  

Thank you for your part in continuing to feed the children of Iowa. “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.” - Virginia Woolf 

Not an AEA Purchasing Cooperative Food Member?  We would love the opportunity to talk… email .