Tuesday, March 30, 2021

How to Handle YouTube at School and at Home

YouTube...It's a land of opportunity with access to educational content and at the same time, is a land that, at times, can be problematic when it comes to filtering content when at school and at home. 

If you use on-premise network devices (e.g. firewall) or proxy-level filters as your content filter, it's probably hard to meet the varying expectations from students, staff and parents. However, don't give up! Deledao can help you meet those expectations. 

For more information on how Deledao can help manage YouTube content at school and at home, check out this post featured on the company's blog. (How to Handle YouTube at School and at Home)

Through the AEA Purchasing contract with Deledao, Iowa schools can save on digital security and wellness solutions from Deledao. For quotes, contract pricing and other information, contact:

Deledao Education
Kevin Kuckkan
Bid Reference: AEPA021-G

Happy saving!