Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Continuing Education Opportunities for School Nutrition Professionals

AEA Purchasing is happy to help Iowa school nutrition professionals find opportunities for continuing their education. Information on how to access a number of continuing education and learning opportunities is provided below.

Additionally, please review the USDA professional standards summary flyer for specifics on the minimum professional standards requirements for school nutrition professionals who manage and operate the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. 

Self-directed learning from Iowa Learning Online:
Select "Iowa Learning Online Professional Development" and "School Meal Programs Tutorials" to access courses.  When joining for the first time, please create an account; use enrollment key "schoolmeals".

Iowa Department of Education Bureau of Nutrition & Health Services, Learning Tools - Webinars/Trainings:

Institute of Child Nutrition E-learning Portal:
Registration is required, but this service is free to child nutrition professionals.

School Nutrition Association - ELearning on Demand:
Scroll down to review member versus non-member registration

United State Department of Agriculture, Food & Nutrition Services:
Free and low-cost training resources

Iowa State University Extension (food safety trainings):